So there we were, working in the store and suddenly we heard the sound of our gold metal hangers clanging, but we didn't see any customers...
I jumped up and looked at our front display and sure enough, someone had stolen a few items. This isn't anything new for us, but every time it happens it's still pretty annoying.
I checked our security cams and found this image:
There he was - beady eyes, droopy mustache, and nothing else on his face. He had looked at our clothes with longing and decided, "these will be mine", and in a moment we were out a few hundred dollars of product.
There's really not much you can do as a small retailer when this happens, except maybe, what we did - build a whole collection out of the situation and profit from it. Can you blame us?
Our new WANTED collection drops on Shop[lift] Small Saturday.

This collection isn't about theft, it's about the ups and downs of creative projects, the things that work against you, and the creative solutions it takes to move forward.
Sometimes I wonder if we're creating great products, or just creating ways for our projects to survive...